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Workplace & Civil

New Date TBC
Venue: Kettering    Time: 11.30am - 5.30pm
Refreshments and lunch provided
Category A - 5 CPD Points
Cost: £179
Introducing a model of full child disclosure to negate positioning in high conflict children's cases
​This is a category A CPD course for all family mediators at a beginning, intermediate or advanced level  


Many conflicts arise in the workplace or between businesses that if not resolved in a suitable manner can altimately lead to litigation, tribunals and court hearings.  Such disputes are enormously costly in both financial and emotional terms but skilled third party intervention can often lead to satisfactory outcomes for all parties.


Adrian trained as a civil and commercial mediator with ADRg in 2002 and subsequently has trained and assessed over 100 trainee mediators for ADRg.  He has significant experience of practice in this field particularly within police forces, legal firms and sports organisations, where matters have had to be handled sensitively and with absolute discretion because of the nature of the issues and the circumstances of the parties. 

He is currently developing mediation & negotiation in the field of professional football.



Adrian Wright Family mediator

Adrian offers:


  • An initial consultation to discuss the potential issues in a highly confidential manner

  • A risk assessment concerning the potential for conflict resolution

  • An evaluation of the most appropriate models of mediation/negotiation

  • A realistic timescale and appropriate venue(s) for discussions 

  • Review of organisational systems and training of personnel 

Adrian Wright Family mediator
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